The Complete Guide to Client Portal Software For Accountants


When it comes to managing client data, accountants face many challenges. Client portal software allows accountants to share files with clients, making the process more efficient for both. Client portal for accountants allow you to share files, information and services with clients through digital gateways. Document collection software includes cloud service providers like Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, SharePoint, and Dropbox. It also includes upload page software like File Request Pro or Fileinvite.

Accounting clients come from many backgrounds. Some clients have a natural talent for technology, while others are more conservative and less inclined to use technology. These developments have created a challenge in how accountants can manage client data.

How does an accountant get files from clients?

Accounting services have been a major source of outsourcing and added value for both accountants and businesses. Online communication technologies are essential for outsourcing accounting services.

Accounting professionals are known to frequently use the same platforms, even though they have to exchange information with clients.

Clients prefer to send e-mails directly to their accountants because it is the easiest option. They also have Dropbox as an option.

Clients can upload files to their Dropbox or Google Drive, and then share that link with their accountants.

What should you look for in a Client Portal software for accountants?

Client portal software for accountants should allow them to gather documents from clients regardless of time and geographical differences.

Accounting professionals deserve better client portal software than any other options.

1. The best in customization

You should have a client portal that offers a customized service. Your company logo, colors and visions can be used to design your portal. This will make file-sharing platforms more professional, engaging, and reliable for clients.

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2. A simpler and more user-friendly platform for your clients

Clients don’t need to create a user ID nor worry about registration. Clients simply need to log in and upload files. No matter what file type, clients can upload them to the portal without any hassles or complications.

3. Automated Synchronization

Clients can upload files to an accountant client portal in many formats. These files can be converted into Microsoft Excel, CSV, PDF, or other formats by the client portal.

Accounting professionals must be patient and efficient in transferring data. Uploading client data to the client portal should be easy and automatic.

Client portals should provide an automated synchronization service, which eliminates the need to spend time manually arranging client files in client portals.

Software automatically transfers files uploaded by clients to the desired location of an accountant without the need for manual intervention.

4. Integration with the internal control system of your company

Integrating with your company’s internal control systems ensures that client portal software for accountants can be trusted and reliable. As an accountant, it is possible to have customized accounting software.

Client portals should be able integrate with the current workflow via web hook by Zapier without any difficulties, complexities or hassles.

5. Removal of sensitive client information from eMail

Client portal software shouldn’t require e-mail addresses from your company or clients. It could put you all at risk.

Google Drive, OneDrive SharePoint, SharePoint, or Dropbox can be used to store data. Uploaded files will automatically be stored there.

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A client portal is another option for accountants to collect client data and client files.

Client data can either be manually transferred by accountants, or uploaded automatically in an unstructured fashion to the client portal software.

6. Security

Without permission, the client portal cannot access accounts of accountants. Accountants have more security than other portals.

These files are deleted from the client portal in one month after receipt of your request. The Software then assigns an expiration date to them for a download link that you can share with clients.

Client files are automatically saved at the desired location by the client portal. This helps to ensure security for accountants by rendering the link insecure after one week.

7. Pricing based on value

Client portal software developed its pricing model on the basis of the value it will bring to accountants. Different services have different pricing.

The main differences in pricing are the number of transactions an accountant will have to make for clients each month and the limit on data storage. This makes the accounting firm’s pricing system fair.